Rockstar Energy Drink

Double Strength, Double Size. Energy supplement. It comes with different flavors such as caffeine, Guarana, Ginseng, B-Vitamins, Taurine. This bigger, better, faster and stronger rockstar is the world's most powerful energy drink. Enhanced with the potent herbal blend of guarana, ginko, ginseng and milk thistle, rokstar is scientifically formulated to provide an incredible energy boost for those who lead actove and exhausting lifestyle- from athletes to rock star. Enjoy this fully refreshing, lightly carbonated beverage super chilled.

Warning: Not recommended for children, pregnant or nursing women, or those sensitive to caffeine.


MEcoy said...

just the name sounds interesting

MEcoy said...

just the name sounds interesting

Dhemz said...

I love this bayot...pati si monster...sos, murag dko katulog lagi basta mo inom ko ani...ehehehe!